not loading when logging in

This may be more of a support ticket issue, but when I go to to log in, the page loads ok, but the page after, which generally goes to will take over a minute to render, to the point of almost timing out the browser. I am tethering via 4G LTE from my phone, but most other services load ok, and the tethering/Linode connection has seemed to be ok in the past (the past two years). Wondering if anyone else is experiencing this issue?


3 Replies

It's working fine for me in Portland, OR using my home wifi (connected to an Xfinity 800Mbs cable).

-- sw

Yea @stevewi, this could be region-based. I am in St Louis, MO., and everything else I access online (almost no matter what) loads ok, and this issue only persists with the address, and the address, everything else can be navigated to just fine once I am IN the service. And the initial page ( loads up just fine, too. Just odd and wondering if anyone is experiencing this or/and why?

I also recall having this issue on the same pages on Linode and a potential troubleshooting method I could take utilizing mtr (my trace route), some months back, and the forum discussion ended unresolved (here).

Things worked ok in the months following, but since late-Nov the two pages mentioned have been slowing down again :/


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