Problems since the RAM upgrade

You guys do truly rock - more RAM will help me immensely, but would there be any reason for an uber-n00b like myself to have problems ever since this upgrade? I don't know how it would be possible, but it seems like I've only lost services (seemingly at random - once http, once mail) since the upgrade.

As a n00b, is there something I could have mis-configured that would become highly confused with a RAM upgrade? Perhaps some place that expects a set amount of RAM?

2 Replies

It's really hard to imagine anything that would relate this to an increase in available memory. I suspect coincidence.

The only hypothetical I can come up with is that before the upgrade, some service was failing to start at all, leaving enough memory for everything else to run fine. With more memory, the service starts, leaving you with less free memory than before. I don't think this is very likely, though, since surely you would have notice the lack of an RDBMS.

Chances are it is indeed just something weird I've done without realizing it, unrelated to the RAM upgrade. Thanks for the attempt, though.


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