How to edit wordpress them Using FTP?

I need to deactivate plugin on wordpress site as i'm not able to access the dashboard. FTP or is their any other way to access wordpress theme files?

3 Replies

FTP stands for file transfer protocol…no notion of "editing" implied there… So, you would edit WP theme files just like you would edit any other file in a Linux system -- with ssh, vi…and maybe sudo.

-- sw

no notion of "editing" implied there

Just about all modern (S)FTP desktop clients have a provision to set your favorite text editor such that you can login and usually select a file and click the edit button… the file flows down to your desktop as the editor opens… you make changes and click save and it goes back up (if permissions and ownership are set correctly.)

I use Transmit on the Mac. It is the gold-standard of FTP systems for the Mac.

And there are some text editors as well as file management clients that have built-in FTP modules… BBEdit for the Mac is one. The ForkLift file manager is another.

I don't know about desktop Linux or Windows but I'm sure there is something out there that will work for you.

Just about all modern (S)FTP desktop clients have a provision to set your favorite text editor such that you can login and usually select a file and click the edit button… the file flows down to your desktop as the editor opens… you make changes and click save and it goes back up (if permissions and ownership are set correctly.)

Those are features of an app (e.g., a text editor)…not the (s)ftp protocol…

And there are some text editors as well as file management clients that have built-in FTP modules… BBEdit for the Mac is one.

I've been using BBEdit for like eons… I have a daemon that I wrote for my Mac that listens to a particular port and, when a request is received from a remote system on my home network, can tell BBEdit (using the command-line program /usr/local/bin/bbedit that you can install with BBEdit) to open the remote file (using sftp). It's based on the gnuclient/gnuserv idea in GNU Emacs:

I don't want to install an X Server or GNU Emacs/XEmacs on my Mac…especially since BBEdit works a whole lot better than either of them.

It's written in ruby and requires no 3rd party gems…a whopping 626 lines of code. The daemon uses lots of threads to handle signals and to run /usr/local/bin/bbedit). You could do the same thing with perl

-- sw

P.S. This works from with my Linode too but the network latency makes it painful to use so I don't use it there. I'd also have to open the magic port in my Linode's firewall…


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