Custom domain from go daddy


I am totally new to this but I just can't get my custom domain name working. I looked up my domain name at and it shows the IP-adress of my linode server, so that's not the problem. However when I type in the domain name in the browser in safari, it just says "Safari can't open the page because Safari can't establish a secure connection to the server", with chrome I get to the parked page at godaddy.

I have cleared all browser history, cache and cookies and it still doesn't work. I can however access the site using the IP adress of the server with no problem.

  • So I have a domain name at godaddy, I have changed the name servers to the 5 linode name servers as documented in the docs.
  • I have created a domain at linode and made sure all the A/AAAA records are accurate.
  • I have edited the IPv4 RDNS and put in my domain name.

It still doesn't work.

Please help!

1 Reply

I have a custom domain registered at GoDaddy. I've been using it with Linode for nearly 10 years.

Safari can't open the page because Safari can't establish a secure connection to the server

Safari will tell you this when your TLS cert/protocol are not working correctly. It (usually) doesn't have anything to do with DNS.

Did you try the URL (note http…not https)?

What is the domain name? What web server are you using? What is the configuration for your VirtualHost?

Most of us here are pretty good at a lot of things but I would say that none of us are very good at reading minds ;-)

-- sw


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