My website does not load!

I created my instance with WordPress, I used a template and I modified it to my liking, I published it and everything worked perfectly but it was like and I wanted it to appear on the internet as, Then, in the Settings dashboard, change from to and now it no longer loads my website as if it didn't exist, so I can't even enter the dashboard of my website as an administrator.
I did this and I messed it up:
How do I fix it?

3 Replies

If you didn't a priori set up your web server to accommodate this, you should ask whoever built your "Settings Dashboard"…

-- sw

@stevewi I myself created my instance with Wordpress with this tutorial, as I said I used a theme.

Since I don’t speak Spanish, I have to assume the video gave you good information. Can you post your web server’s virtual host configuration for your site?

— sw


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