Why is Linode restarting so rubbish?

As a big supplier, you guys are doing such shitty reboots

Those merchants who use WHMCS without their own development capabilities can quickly restart the VPS, what a shame you

It takes at least three minutes to restart the VPS. For Linux, I think thirty seconds is enough. Long interruptions will cause problems in my business.

I know that the restart speed is normal through the Linode console. I saw that you explained that if you reboot in linux, the restart will be very slow. I tried to close the Shutdown Watchdog like shit, and then rebooted in linux. It's completely shut down, can you believe it?

Why rebooting has to be done through the console? Remote reboot is the most convenient, no matter if it is an internal VPS update and maintenance reboot, isn't this a problem you should solve?

In addition to creating a machine, I believe that few people log in to the console to restart every time they restart, but directly reboot and then restart after drinking saliva.

2 Replies

If you're seeing long reboot times, this previous post from the Community Questions site titled Why does it take so long to reboot my Linode and why does it restart on its own when I shutdown? has some troubleshooting steps you can take to troubleshoot the issue.

Additionally, this post titled Why Linode Ubuntu so slow in reboot? suggest watching your Linode boot with the Linode Shell (Lish) open so you can see if services are hanging when they're stopping.

"Why rebooting has to be done through the console? Remote reboot is the most convenient, no matter if it is an internal VPS update and maintenance reboot, isn't this a problem you should solve?"

You can issue reboot commands for your Linode to the Cloud Manager using the Linode CLI or API. You will just need to configure those utilities on your server and once that's done you can reboot your server using a command like:

linode-cli linodes reboot <$linodeIDnumber>

I still want to make sure your voice is heard so I went ahead and submitted your feedback on reboot times to our internal tracking for improvements.

Reboot can do things with six letters, but it is unnecessary to install your CLI

Can this be called a solution?


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