port forwarding around a router
Hi, I have a home server and need to forward some ports to make them publically accessible via a domain/subdomains. I usually log in to the router to configure port forwarding but I do not have access. Is it possible to use something like ssh tunneling to Linode to get this to work? If yes, how would I go about setting that up?
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You don't have access to your home router? Are you the one paying for the internet service?
Anyways this would typically be done via a proxy/reverse proxy or vpn gateway when you can't port forward from your own network.
Keep in mind you would be exposing your, or whoever is paying for it anyways, home network via the gateway/proxy and service you are trying to host. It would be more secure to host it on Linode or elsewhere in the first place.
No, I don't have access to my home router. However, I do pay for internet service indirectly (included in rent). It services 2 units (ours and another) in our apartment complex.
Could you point me to some resources explaining how to set up a proxy/reverse proxy or VPN gateway? Most of the information I've found doesn't mention configuring/setup. It just explains what it is.