Domain will not work without :8000

My website will not work without the port :8000 at the end. How do I open the port that way all you have to type is the website name. I am using Django

2 Replies

Sounds like a firewall issue to me.

If using ufw this should work:

sudo ufw allow 8000

@acanton77 writes:

Sounds like a firewall issue to me.

This is not a firewall issue at all!

The OP writes:

My website will not work without the port :8000 at the end.

The web server is configured to serve the site on port 8000. Check the web server configuration and the VirtualHost configuration for your site. Remove the references to port 8000. Restart the web server.

@acanton77 writes:

sudo ufw allow 8000

There is no evidence that the OP is using Ubuntu.

-- sw


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