Upgrade Apache 2.2 Debian 7.5 or fresh install?

My server has been running for a while and I have not had many issues with it. Have never had much reason to upgrade other then I suppose the possible security issues. Not much is running on it, an email server and a wordpress site.

Id like to get my wordpress domain to run on HTTPS. And it seems most tutorials ive found assume im running on apache 2.4+ and debian 8+ so this is enough for me to want to upgrade.

Is it going to be much more of headache to upgrade then it would be to install fresh? What would you suggest?

1 Reply

Is it going to be much more of headache to upgrade then it would be to install fresh?

Yes… by at least an order of magnitude…

What would you suggest?

Spin up a new Linode using Debian 11. Configure apache2 & the mail server. When you get done swap the IP addresses of the 2 Linodes…then just delete the old one.

— sw


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