Can you clone a linode that has cpanel installed on it?

I want to clone my production Linode to create 2 new servers for development and staging. The production linode has WHM/Cpanel installed on it. I realize that I will need to purchase additional licenses for the 2 new servers.

I was told that you can't clone a linode that has cpanel installed on it, but I am not sure how accurate that information is. Does anyone have any experience or advice on the best way to handle this?

1 Reply

Hi RustyP,

I went ahead tested this on my own systems. I created a new cPanel in the Marketplace Apps. I went through the startup and configuration, and then cloned the server. I am able to access the new Linode / cPanel without issues on my end.

I would recommend trying a test before committing to it in a production environment. Try cloning and see if all of the data is present, and you are able to access them both without issue.

There are a few other ways to consider as well:

Create a new Marketplace cPanel, then restore a cPanel backup to it.

If you don't need the servers to be identical. You can create a new cPanel and transfer accounts and configurations.

Hopefully one of these options meets your needs!


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