Php project not working good in vps

Hello,i have a php project,i was working fine in vps of
Nanode 1 GB
Ram 1 GB
Storage 25 GB
Transfer 1 TB
but when i resize to Linode 2 GB with details
storage : 50 GB
Transfer of 2 TB
Is not working good at all,when i login and i try to click other link it loading without going anywhere.
Please help me.

1 Reply

There are a few different factors that could influence the speed of your application. First, it's worth mentioning that when you resize a Linode, it gets migrated to a new host. That host could have noisier neighbors than the previous one and in that case you would want to investigate CPU Steal. A quick way to check for resource contention on your instance is with the following command:

iostat 10 10

If you see steal% higher than 10-15%, I suggest reaching out to the Support team through a ticket.

Next, you can check out this other post from the Community Site titled Waiting For Webiste slow registering action php? along with this article titled How to Troubleshoot PHP Web Application Problems. These have some great troubleshooting tips you can use to diagnose your issue from the application, server, and network level.


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