Cyberduck permissions not working on Object Store

Hi, just started setting up an object store, and have installed cyberduck.

It uploads files fine, but no matter if I follow instructions as per the guide
the files and folders still do not give 'Everyone - Read' access which I need. The bucket itself does have this permission.

I can change the permission on files individually with success. But if I try to change recursively (folder of files) then it gives a prompt to do this, I press continue, but the files within the folders still do not get the 'Everyone - Read' permission.

Anyone had this issue or worked around it?

1 Reply

Hi walkhighlands,

Sorry your question has gone this long! I am hoping you haven't given up, and found the solution on your own.

I located a similar post, which I believe answers your question in detail:
How can I set public access automatically for all files I upload through Cyberduck?

You may also have to go into your Cloud Manager, and set the access permissions for the bucket itself.

Hope this helps!


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