Impossible to make payments from India

I have been using Linode for a long time. Automatic payments stopped working a year or so ago. (There is a way to enable automatic payments on the recipient's part, Linode did not care to find out about it or implement it -- ask Adobe, Google etc, how they are doing it.) Since I like Linode so much, I was still OK with manually clicking some buttons and making the payment. As of today, none of the payment methods work anymore.

Now, the Linode support is going to tell me to check with my bank. I want to rather tell them that the receiving party must set up something with the banks to enable automated payments, the sender has no option to enable this. Vendors like Adode and Google are doing it already. Please convey this information to the management.

I will start looking for an alternative now. Will try making a payment by the end of this month, if it is still not fixed, I will let them close my account and move on. If Linode does not allow me to make them the payment (automated or not), I can't be at fault.

1 Reply

Thanks for taking the time to not only detail the impact this has had on you, but to also offer insights into how this could possibly be resolved for you. I've made sure to make others aware of this post and recorded your feedback on our internal feature tracker. I can't promise any changes, especially immediately.


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