What about as a simple ftp backup server?

I went and bought myself some space on a VPS… Now I'm thinking about off site backups and I thought perhaps a linode would be good for this.

What do I need to install in order to use this as an ftp backup home? (Or are there better alternatives?)

Thanks, Sam.

(ps. support at the vps turned out to be much much better than I first thought. Once I learned a bit more and started talking one on one with people who realised I wanted to learn more - thiings improved)

2 Replies

If you're going to run a ftpd then use vsftpd, think hard about using anything else.

To do what you want to do though sftp (as in the file transfer protocol of ssh) is a much better answer.

There are innumerable scripts to do backups using rsync, which can connect using ssh. The smarter ones allow multiple versions, which is nice when you find your corrupted database only after backups have run. Google is your friend, here.


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