How can I run Android apps on a Linode server ?

Hi guys, I hope you're doing great !
it's a more than a week me struggling to get android running on Ubuntu or Debian, but nothing works.
I tried tens if it's not hundreds of tutorials from youtube and linux forums, I even went to delete my linode and to start another one many times, but every time I had to deals with a new issue, and when I solve it, a new one pops up (it's a loop of issues & errors).
I tried installing either "Anbox" and "Waydroid" (both are tool uses to run android on Linux without emulaor ), but even I follow the installation guide from their official website, the terminal says that there is some files or packages missing, and I can't install it whatever solution I try.
So please can you help me with that?
I would prefer installing a a full OS like "android x86" or "PrimeOS" that can run android apps on pc. but I got confused with custom images ( I have readed this guide, but I don't know how to use it because I'm a beginner, so it's too hard to understand ).
So please guys, can you help me to run android app on linode, in which way possible?
thank you so much.
I will really apreciate that !

1 Reply

I was able to get Anbox to work on an 16GB Ubuntu 22.04 instance following the instructions in the article. I also installed the Gnome desktop enviornment and VNC for easier navigation.

While technically the application worked, it's worth noting that Anbox didn't run super smooth, even on the 16GB Linode. Generally speaking, cloud servers aren't optimized for graphical processing so this kind of work load can give them trouble.


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