Is anyone else having ongoing problems with Linode backups?

I've been using the Linode backup service for many years, and being able to restore a VM has got me out of a hole many times.

However, in the last couple of months I have seen repeated failures of the scheduled backups. The first indication is an automated ticket reporting the failure of two consecutive backups. Once the backup system has failed for a server, it seems to be unusable (for snapshot backups as well as scheduled backups) until Linode support have removed the "lock" which seems to cause the failure - why this lock gets stuck has never been explained.

This is happening across three completely unrelated Linode accounts and half a dozen servers, so it seems highly unlikely that I am the only person seeing this. Has anyone else figured out a way around it?

2 Replies

Our Backup Service utilizes virtual "locks" to ensure the integrity of data during each step of the backup process. Lately, a lock could potentially become stuck or stale due to a bug that we're still investigating. As you've mentioned, a stale lock will prevent any subsequent backup attempts from completing successfully until our Support Team manually intervenes.

Although we are actively looking into the root cause of this type of minor error for a more permanent solution to keep this from reoccurring, we do not yet have a timeline on when that fix will be deployed.

If you (or another customer) receive any new (or automated) Linode Backup Failure tickets, it's best if you respond (even though those typically state that no action is required from you) just to get eyes on the issue sooner.

Additionally, I recommend using our Backup Service as part of a multi-tiered backup strategy where you backup your data in various ways as well. I personally like to copy my disk over SSH to keep local backups on my machine, just in case!

Same thing here.
Backups are not working last 15 days but
unfortunately, Linode support is not answering any of my emails.
I am getting automatic tickets, but no one is doing anything about it. I respond back, but nothing happens.
I am getting quite frustrated with this, one of the reasons I was using Linode for over 10 years now was the support, but this doesn't look like support I am used to. What do I need to have someone answer my tickets?


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