What happens to my linodes/services if i don't pay for a long time?
About 2 month ago, I forgot I should've pay to my linode.
I used linode for my study in restricted environment.
And now, my environment is improved.
So i don't need to using my linode.
My question is what happend if I don't pay my the amount due?
2 Replies
My question is what happend if I don't pay my the amount due?
Your services are discontinued and (after awhile) you're Linode image is deleted. I wouldn't be surprised if you got flagged as a deadbeat…making re-entry onto the platform more difficult.
Depending on the amount you owe, Linode may pursue 3rd party collection efforts. I don't know that for sure but it's certainly an option that is open to them. Your credit rating will be in a world of hurt if that happens.
-- sw
They will temp delete and give grace period for 10 days , if payment not made then delete permanently