K8S and ingress with a firewall
I want to play with k8s and lock it down so only my home ip can do this: My goal is a selenium grid (4) running on k8s that I can fire up on demand.
I can create the cluster and add a firewall via terraform in about 3 minutes.
My issue is adding an nginx-ingress to the firewall.
I also will need to add in the ingress stuff as it seems the firewall is blocking the private networking stuff.
How do I specify the external-ip in the firewall so I can reach it?
Also does the firewall scale up/down the targets if the nodes are set to scale?
1 Reply
Linode Staff
If you are using a NodeBalancer for loadbalancing, you would not be able to add a firewall/Cloud Firewall.
A possible way around this would a combination of using NodePorts and your own loadbalancing solution.