slave servers


Does the new slave support include the ability to add slave servers to a domain hosted on the linode name servers? If so, are NOTIFYs sent to the slaves when the zone is regenerated and reloaded?



2 Replies


Does this include the ability to add slave servers to a domain hosted on the linode name servers? If so, are NOTIFYs sent to the slaves when the zone is regenerated and reloaded?
I'll let you in on a dirty little secret – our name servers don't control access to who can perform an AXFR of the zone, so as it stands now you can add slave servers off our masters. And, notifies are turned on for name servers listed in the zone.

I think a quick and dirty solution to this will be to restrict AXFR access to only the IPs of the NS records in the zone…



I think a quick and dirty solution to this will be to restrict AXFR access to only the IPs of the NS records in the zone…

Do you have plans to implement this in the DNS Manager?


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