✓ Solved

Not able to delete bucket

Hi. I've experimented with setting up object storage on my nextcloud, and are now stuck with a couple of buckets that I'm not able to delete.
I've tried to delete it with linode-cli but I get an error:

$ linode-cli obj rb --recursive next-lhote-me
delete: next-lhote-me urn:oid:10
Error: SignatureDoesNotMatch

Is there an easy way to fix this? I just want to delete the bucket, and don't care about the content.

3 Replies

✓ Best Answer

Got the sollution from support.
Nextcloud uses colon (:) as default for folder names, but this messes up linodes sollution.
So i had to use s3cmd to resolve it, with s3cmd rb -r -f s3://example-bucket/

That error matches what I've seen for stored credentials not matching correctly. If you're storing your bucket access credentials as a shell variable, you may want to double check them to make sure they're the right ones for the right bucket.

This section of the Linode CLI Github readme has more information on that:
Environmental Variables

Otherwise, you can check the current keys via:

linode-cli object-storage keys-list

Hope that helps!


hmm. it doesn't seem to be that.
i tried now with setting the token in env, but it still wont take.
all the keys shows up with 'keys-list'.

when i try to delete the objects manually, i get '403 Forbidden', and on web i get 'Unable to delete object.'

the keys are set up with full access.


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