✓ Solved

How to launch a marketplace app using linode-cli

I want to use a linode-cli command to launch a Marketplace App (eg, Docker).

I have inspected the linode-cli --help and the web docs and do not see it yet. The docs repeatedly say that any cloud operation that can be done via the web can be done with linode-cli.

I want something that is similar to (not an actual command):
$linode-cli linodes create --app=Docker ??????

Any help is appreciated.

1 Reply

✓ Best Answer

Hey @cjtkirk!

This post titled How can I deploy 1-Click Apps from the CLI? has everything you need to deploy a Marketplace App from the CLI.

You can search for the App with the following API call after you've installed jq:

curl -k https://api.linode.com/v4/linode/stackscripts -H 'X-Filter: {"label": {"+contains": "Docker"}}' -H "Content-Type: application/json" | jq '.data | .[] | .label,.id'

That will return a list similar to this:

"Ubuntu Trusty+Docker+Compose"
"Docker Base"
"Cockpit + Docker + Docker-Compose + Portainer + Portainer-Agent + Nginx-Proxy-Manager + ctop"
"Docker + Portainer + Let's Encrypt"
"Shadowsocks & L2TP/IPSec & PPTP VPN by docker"
"Docker One-Click"

Any Marketplace App has "One-Click" in the title so the StackScript id we're looking for here is 607433. You can then use our API/CLI Documentation to deploy your Docker Marketplace App.

I hope this helps!


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