Disable notification thresholds emails in general

I have autoscaling w/ k8s setup for my Linodes and whenever I scale up/down, new nodes are created different from the old ones.
Every time a new node is created, I get warning of CPU/Network thresholds exceeded (which I don't care about).

Is there no way to disable the notification thresholds in general?

4 Replies

Log in at cloud.linode.com. Click on your Linode. Click on Settings. In the lower half of the page, you can turn all of these on/off (and/or raise/lower the threshold limits).

You prob want to leave the one called Shutdown Watchdog turned on…

-- sw

I understand how to do that.
What I'm saying is that I have to remove notifications for each linode every time.

I am using autoscaling w/ LKE and my Linodes can be recycled or new Linodes can be created.

Is there a way I can remove these notifications for all Linodes created or recycled by default?

Disabling notification threshold alerts is only available for your compute instances currently. However, we have heard this same feedback from other customers as well so I have added your request for this feature to our internal tracking.

I don't have an ETA on when this will be implemented but we'll reach out to you if it becomes available.

Another option would be disable email notifications completely from the Profile Settings menu. However, this means you will not get any emails for account activity.

Disabling notifications completely from the profile settings does not disable the alert emails. This issue is extremely annoying.


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