If you dont have any services, does it cost money to have a Account just active?

I was billed 50$ and in the invoice it dosent say what i beeing billed for?

It only says "Thank you" - 50$
The mount before i payed 50$ for services that i had stoped the mount before but i didnt stoped it in time, but the in the invoice it said clearly what i was billed for….

This seems not okej, you are by law obligated to tell your customer in the invoice what they are beeing billed for not only write >" Thank you" and bill them for services they dont have…

Or does it cost 50$ to just have an account??

4 Replies

It sounds like you're referring to the payment receipt where you will want to look at the invoice, which will include details on what services you were invoiced for. We have more information on these two related items of your account's billing history broken down here: Viewing Invoices and Payments

What do you mean? I looked at the PDF file with the invoice, the same as i got last mount, but on the first one it said specific what I was paying for, not in the other one!

@sBb88 --

IMHO, you should prob move this discussion to a support ticket.

-- sw

I agree with @stevewi here - you should open a Support ticket or reach out to us via support@linode.com to have us review your account details. We'll be able to review the invoices and payment receipts with you.


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