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What's the IPv6 range limitation for one VM?

What's the IPv6 range limitation for one VM?

3 Replies

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Hey @JamesQian!

You can add one /64 range per data center by default. If you want to add more, I suggest reaching out to the Support Team in a ticket outlining your use case and why the additional range is necessary.

You'll also need to reach out to Support if you'd like to add a /56 range or /116 pool. Keep in mind that /116 pools are deprecated an no longer available in Toronto, Atlanta, Sydney, or Mumbai.

Why the new limitation on /64 ranges?

Can we route a single /64 range to multiple Linodes?

Linode Staff

"Why the new limitation on /64 ranges?"

Since each of our data centers have a set number of IPv6, we don't want to run out. You can always reach out to the Support Team with your use case to request an additional /64 range.

"Can we route a single /64 range to multiple Linodes?"

While you can share an IPv6 address as a failover, you cannot route a /64 range to multiple compute instances.


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