I know it would probably work, but wondering bout performance… and how much cpu/ram are you throwing at it?
4 Replies
I've got zimbra os ed. 4.5 running in a 540 - it seems to do well, but does occasionally run out of memory and requires a restart (about once every 2 - 3 weeks). I created a script that restarts it when it crashes, so that keeps it going.
I just installed the 5.0.5 version on a 360, and its difficult to get it going. After installation, it seemed to startup fine and run modestly, but as soon as I added additional domains and extra zimlets, it takes about 2 hours for the http/imap services to come alive after issuing a start. I tweaked the memory settings a lot to get it to improve performance once its running, and it seems to do just fine now, but the startup time is REALLY annoying.
I tried with a 540 and a 360, but both had to swap a large amount of RAM which is not acceptable if you need any kind of performance from it.