php script unable to create pdo_sqlite database
Hi guys,
tl;dr I have plenty of disk space (215GB free) but a simple php script is unable to create a 1.6GB sqlite db file during import. I've never had this issue on dozens of other instances of running the script. Have been struggling for 8 days.
I am using the Archivarix CMS to import an 18GB .zip file.
For some reason the import tool ( can't create the pdo_sqlite database. The error we're getting is this:
Stack trace:
0 /home/cpanelaccountwithheld/public_html/haf.php(2973): PDO->query('SELECT * FROM s…')
1 /home/cpanelaccountwithheld/public_html/haf.php(2878): getInfoFromDatabase('sqlite:/tmp/arc…')
2 /home/cpanelaccountwithheld/public_html/haf.php(2945): getImportInfo('/home/cpanelaccountwithheld…', true)
3 /home/cpanelaccountwithheld/public_html/haf.php(7555): getImportsList()
4 {main}
thrown in /home/cpanelaccountwithheld/public_html/haf.php on line 2973
That line is this code:
$stmt = $pdo->query( "SELECT * FROM settings ORDER BY param" );
1 Reply
You need to make sure that the certain components of the path to the database have the correct ownership and permissions.
Given the path:
to the database file.
- The database file
needs to be owned and writable by the web server
(-rw-r--r-- www-data:www-data
). - The directory
needs to be owned and writable by the web server
(-rwxr-xr-x www-data:www-data
). - The directory
needs to be at least group-owned & group-writable by the web server
(-rwxrwxr-x someuser:www-data
Don’t just make everything owned by you and world-writable…that’s a big security hole!
I've run into this a lot. It's a quirk with the sqlite PDO driver.
-- sw