How do I enable http2 for object storage

Lighthouse performance report urges us to use HTTP/2 for images stored in linode object storage which is using HTTP/1.1. Can this be enabled?

3 Replies

Hey @storior!
Since HTTP2 is not currently supported by Linode Object Storage, your best bet would be to proxy your Bucket using Nginx as discussed in this StackExchange post titled Nginx proxy Amazon S3 resources. You can follow the Linode documentation to setup Nginx to Reverse Proxy your Bucket.

Since Nginx is still proxying a resource that's using HTTP/1.1, the improvement may not be significant. If you also used your proxy as a cache, you may see even more benefit.

I hope this helps!

If you also used your proxy as a cache, you may see even more benefit.

You probably don't want to proxy object storage writes though…

-- sw

is new object storage support http/2?


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