Controls for Weblish

I am so very confused how this is not explained anywhere that I can see.

I have a fresh Linode install using the Marketplace for LAMP.

I am having issues getting into PuTTY currently and so am using Weblish to resolve this issue.

However, nowhere that I can find explains the actual keyboard controls for using Weblish? For example, I have a file opened to edit and I have NO idea how to save and exit from that file? I found if I press CTRL+C I can then type :qa! and enter and it escapes the file but it doesn't save it.

Please help, am I missing something?

2 Replies

"For example, I have a file opened to edit and I have NO idea how to save and exit from that file? I found if I press CTRL+C I can then type :qa!"

:qa! are key commands for vim, a text editor. These do not have to do with Weblish itself.

Weblish is a console interface that allows you to access the Linode server among other things. Like PuTTy does. If you used PuTTy to access the server you'd still be using the same :qa! keys in vim regardless, hopefully that helps you understand the difference.

Another way to put this would be that vim is a program installed in the OS of your server. Weblish and PuTTy are ways to access the server.

For Linux you'll want to get used to looking at man (short for manual) pages, for example by doing:

man vim

you'll see text that explains how to use vim.
You can also google them of course.

To save and exit a text file in vim do :wq instead and press enter.

Other than accessing the server Weblish can also do things like reboot the server and more:

On a side note if you are having issues accessing your server remotely the usual culprit for Linux servers in this case is UFW. You can check if ufw is enabled by doing:

ufw status

if you don't see a rule to accept port 22 and it's not disabled but is installed, it's probably blocking your remote PuTTy ssh access.

As far as text editors go, you might look into nano. It's available on just about every Linux distro and has a significantly shorter learning curve for beginners with uncomplicated and well-defined needs. I runs on the weblish console.


-- sw


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