How do I access the index page of a Linode created with cPanel configuration in Marketplace

Hello Forum.

Question: Can someone help me access the index page of a Linode I created using the cPanel configuration from Marketplace?

I created a Linode using the pre-configured setup for cPanel found in Marketplace. I followed the directions but I cannot get the setup to work properly. I cannot access the index page of the website using the ip address.

a). I am able to log into the root directory using Notepad++

b). I am able to log into the Web Host Manager for cPanel at this address: http://[ip-address]:2087/

c). When I try to access the index page using my browser I get a default web site page that says
If you are the owner of this website, please contact your hosting provider: webmaster@[ip-address] … "

I have not yet assigned a domain name. I am using the ip address for logging into the WHM and for accessing the root using Notepad++.

I would appreciate any help that I might receive.

Thank you in advance.

1 Reply

As you can see in our guide, you need to have a registered domain name. If you register your domain and follow our guide again to the point where you add in your name servers, that should resolve your issue. You can make use of the Linode DNS manager through the Cloud Manager and follow our guide to setup your domain if you like.

For further reference, I also found cPanel's doc on indexes.


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