Serious issue with object storage

Hi, I somehow uploaded a file with the path (slightly obfuscated for my own privacy):

Yes I know, somehow the endpoint URL is also in the object path. BUT the problem here is: Something about this object or path is causing some serious problem internal to Linode object storage. I can neither modify nor delete this object, and the error in the Linode UI is: "Error retrieving object ACL: SignatureDoesNotMatch". Likewise, when I attempt to delete this corrupted object, I am unable to do so, with a generic "Unable to delete object." error message.

1 Reply

The error that you're seeing, Error retrieving object ACL: SignatureDoesNotMatch usually refers to an issue with a character in the file or path name. This character will need to be removed in order to restore access to the file.

Because the Cloud Manager (our login portal where you manage Linode services) does not support Object Storage Bucket directory creation, editing or deletion, you will not be able to fix this through that tool.

Instead, you'll need to use either the API, s3cmd or Cyberduck.

I have been able to easily edit directory names using Cyberduck by simply selecting the directory and then clicking on the directory name. Removing the special characters restored my ability to download files from that directory.

I recommend trying this with Cyberduck, which is a fairly simple and intuitive software.

Connecting Cyberduck to your Object Storage Bucket requires use of an Access Key -- you can learn more about that with our Object Storage Guide:

How to Use Linode Object Storage


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