Unable to locate package python-certbot-apache

Unable to locate package python-certbot-apache

I am geeting this error when running command apt install certbot python3-cerbot-apache

Anyone can guide me why and how to fix it

3 Replies

I am getting this error when running command apt install certbot python3-cerbot-apache

As I said in the other thread you posted your message to (you only have to post it once…more than that & you’re nagging), you only have to install certbot:

sudo apt install certbot

If apt needs the other package as a dependency, it'll find it…if your apt configuration is correct.

-- sw

I installed it via Snap, as suggested by the Linode docs.

I've never quite understood what Snap is. A new package manager? If so, why would Ubuntu need a new manager?

I installed it via Snap, as suggested by the Linode docs.

You mean the Ubuntu docs. There’s a BIG difference…

If so, why would Ubuntu need a new manager?

snapd is an Ubuntu "lock-in" mechanism to keep you from chucking Ubuntu in the trash and migrating to Debian without causing yourself a ton of work! snapd is open source and, although available on other distros, none but Canonical widely use it (snapd is a Canonical "invention"…funny that…).

-- sw


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