Accrued Charges Increased without using Linode

Hello there,

I create a linode of 16GB Shared VPS which was showing to me about 80$. But after using half and hour, I deleted that server and created new Non-OS linode server one of 10$ and other one of 20$ I guess. And then later deleted that also without using it. (I was bit confused that time0

So now before creating another new linode that is Non-OS. I checked the account balance and beside the it was showing accrued charge 0.36$.

Please help me and let me know that what is the accrued charge means and Do I will get charged for all those deleted Linodes also or just the one which will I use now.

Thanks in advance…

1 Reply

Yes, that uninvoiced amount will be invoiced on the first of next month. That amount reflects the time the Linodes were on your account. While you will not be invoiced for the full $80, you will be invoiced for the hours the service was on your account.

The way Linode billing works is that you're invoiced after the fact for services already used. All of our services are hourly with a monthly cap. That means the $80 that you're referring to, likely the Dedicated 16GB Linode plan, is invoiced at $.12 per hour, then capped at $80. The cap is the equivalent to just under 28 days of usage in a month. That is where the $/Hr column on our pricing page refers to.

Another guide that may be helpful for you is our Managing Billing in the Cloud Manager guide.


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