✓ Solved

Server password doesnt WORK

I can't login into my server.
I copy paste the ip address with ssh. Then it ask for a password. It doesnt work.

I shut down the server with power off, and I recreated a very simple password. I tried again and it doesnt work either. What's the deal? I dont get it.
I need help.

Thank you.

10 Replies

✓ Best Answer

Is there a way to install Cyberpanel on my server through cyberpanel website?

I dunno… Ask them

-- sw

I copy paste the ip address with ssh. Then it ask for a password. It doesnt work.

??? Given your description, of course it doesn't work…

Try this:

ssh IP -l LOGIN




  • IP is the IP address of your Linode;
  • DOMAIN is the domain name of your Linode; and
  • LOGIN is the login name you want to use (probably root at this point).

When ssh responds with


type in (NOT copy/paste) your password.



-- sw

Well, it seems that I found my own solution. I just typed "Root" enter, then the password.

Why writing all the command you showed me above? Just root and its working.

I was able to log in. Now I try to install cyberpanel. I follow a tutorial as to how to do this. My OS is Ubuntu 20.04 LTS.

I updated the server. I typed the following command to install Cyberpanel:

sh <(curl https://cyberpanel.net/install.sh || wget -O - https://cyberpanel.net/install.sh)

It says: Unable to locate OS. It also say that Ubuntu 20.04 is required to install Cyberpanel.
All I know is that I just changed the ns1 and ns2 ip address. I replaced the ip address in namecheap about an hour ago.

Is it possible that it is related to that? Cause I think it takes 24 hours to make those changes.

Thank you.

sh <(curl https://cyberpanel.net/install.sh || wget -O -https://cyberpanel.net/install.sh)

It says: Unable to locate OS. It also say that Ubuntu 20.04 is required to install Cyberpanel.

The installer (the file at https://cyberpanel.net/install.sh) can't figure out what your OS is. It does this by looking at the first file matching the glob expression /etc/*release (using the program cat). The file is then searched for OS version information (using the program grep).

I downloaded the installer using the URL you provided. It's simple enough to understand (it’s about a 100-line shell script) but it's horribly written. There are all kinds of situations that could exist/arise that it doesn't handle…so it's pretty brittle. When it runs into one of these, there's virtually no error-handling in it at all except to tell the user "Urk! Your system is broken!" and then quit.

You've run into one of these situations (although which one, exactly, I can't tell you). Based on my cursory analysis, there's some of things that could be wrong:

  1. you don't have any files matching the glob expression /etc/*release;
  2. you do have such files but the one that's found doesn't have the information the installer needs in the format the installer expects;
  3. the shell can't find /bin/cat and/or /bin/grep because /bin is not in your PATH (pretty unlikely, IMHO…but a possibility).

If you don't know what any of that means, you need to figure that out first. My bet is on #1 or #2.

-- sw

P.S. Based on what the installer script does, you should run the command you cited with sudo:
sudo sh <(curl https://cyberpanel.net/install.sh || wget -O -https://cyberpanel.net/install.sh)
That could be part of your problem as well.

Frustrating, cause I follow a tutorial on youtube and I paid for a domain name on name cheap. Is there a way to install Cyberpanel on my server through cyberpanel website?
The tutorial is https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8G93NVWkXZk

Thank you for your time. :-)

You're welcome… I'm glad you got your problem solved.

-- sw

Is there a way to see what we are typing when we type the password? It would be very very useful. thx

Not really. The login process puts the terminal in noecho mode to prevent the password from being viewed by prying eyes. This is a security measure.

One alternative is to set up public key authentication in ssh. It’s more secure than password authentication and you won’t have to enter the password at all. See:


— sw

PS. You should never allow root to login using ssh…set up sudo instead.


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