Not sure if others are having the same problem in Centos editing sshd_config.
Changing the port 22 breaks up " port 2 22 2" not sure whts gone wrong, but the big issues are:
1) changing port 22, to ex 2222 i cant ssh in, and nmap does not see the change either, even after restarting, stop and starting or even rebooting the server.
2) not so as important but ufw is having a blast logging rc.d error lol, after changing the port number.
well that all just a blog I am really using Centos server practicing Ansible playbooks.
If you or can figure it out, let post it.

1 Reply

It would be really helpful if you submitted your questions in proper, capitalized, punctuated English so that they can be understood by those of us not familiar with your unique literary style for composing text messages (especially those of us here whose first language is not English)…

That being said…

1) changing port 22, to ex 2222 i cant ssh in, and nmap does not see the change either, even after restarting, stop and starting or even rebooting the server.

Try some of these suggestions:

Did you tell ssh (the user part of the pair), that you were using a non-standard port? e.g

ssh -p 2222

Did you unblock port 2222 in your firewall?

2) not so as important but ufw is having a blast logging rc.d error lol, after changing the port number.

A sample of the log messages generated would be quite helpful for us to try to figure out what's wrong.

-- sw


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