Is QA down?

Access Denied
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Reference #18.b4351ab8.1659799927.1aacd9ad

9 Replies

I was trying to post the FPM question and for some reason it would not let me until I edited out some stuff.

Same for me (trying to post a response to your PHP question). This happened earlier this week. It eventually cleared up. Hopefully someone at Linode is on this…

-- sw

I'm not seeing either of your two posts in Safari…although they are visible in my other (Chrome-based) browser.

I still can't post my reply to your PHP question. In Safari, I don't even see your post. In the Chrome-based browser, I get the "Access Denied" error.

Tried clearing Linode cookies in Safari but no workee… It seems Safari doesn't work at all…

Al, why don't you bundle this thread up as a support ticket?

-- sw

Well, I can see your two posts in Safari but I still can't post my PHP response (in either browser): Access denied.

Someone appears to be working on this… I was able to post/edit this in Safari…

-- sw

I tired to quote this text from the phpinfo command:

but it would not let me.

I don't know why.

So, is FPM running or not?

It appears that the current community board troubles are related to the ` (backtick) notation in Markdown. I removed all the occurrences of it and was able to post this reply (in Safari).

The upgrade installer for Ubuntu NEVER (?!?!?!?) enables php-fpm…it always goes with the (perceived safer, I suppose) mod_php.

You need to disable mod_php first…

php-fpm is robably not running…phpinfo is reporting on the collection of enabled modules. It can't/won't look outside of it's field of vision for daemons you (or something else) might have enabled/started. Use ps to look for the daemon…

-- sw

< You need to disable mod_php first…

How do I do that? By running the two commands?

NOTICE: Not enabling PHP 8.0 FPM by default.
NOTICE: To enable PHP 8.0 FPM in Apache2 do:
NOTICE: a2enmod proxy_fcgi setenvif
NOTICE: a2enconf php8.0-fpm

I answered in the other thread. This board is still really sick… I'm back to not being able to post again…

-- sw

Hi folks. We're aware there have been some recent issues with posting questions to our Community Site. These are some unintended results of a recent security change that was applied to Our teams are investigating.


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