What are the hw specs for host91 and host94?

What are the hardware specifications for the below servers?



I've got one 300 linode on each of them and it would be cool to know the specs.

4 Replies

Host specs are listed at:


At this point all hosts are less than a year old and are either the top most in that list or a configuration that is not listed there yet (same components, different chassis).



Host specs are listed at:


At this point all hosts are less than a year old and are either the top most in that list or a configuration that is not listed there yet (same components, different chassis).

Taking into consideration one of the later "major" migrations (eg. from hosts 34 and 43, which affected me), you guys might want to update that page a little…

> Host servers 77 and up are located in AtlantaNAP's new White Street datacenter.
I'm currently on hosts 112 and 125, and still in the Dallas facility…

It's "employs", not "employes".


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