Is it possible to transition an existing linode to kubernetes?

I'm looking at properly setting up a SaaS site with linode but don't want to go crazy initially as I'm fairly new to this. I've got a linode set up already and working however in the future if my product ever manages to take off I would like the ability to scale nicely. I know I can resize my machine quite easily but is it possible to make my current machine a kubernetes master? If my thinking is flawed in any way feel free to let me know it would be great to understand this process better in general.

1 Reply

There is currently no way to join an existing Linode into an LKE Kubernetes cluster, although it is possible to manually create you own cluster using tools like kubeadm and Rancher. As I understand, Rancher allows you to create parameters that enable cluster autoscaling since it makes use of a Cloud Manager API Token with deployment permissions.

You can also install the raw Kubernetes packages right from the source:


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