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[Feature Request]: Resize managed database to a different plan or cluster size

It would be great if we can scale up/down managed database cluster with single click.

8 Replies

Linode Staff

✓ Best Answer

Thanks for the feature request to resize our Managed Database plans. I've added it to our internal feature tracker for future deliberation.

We always appreciate hearing from customers what they think would make the services we provide better for them. If you have any other ideas, please feel free to post them here on the Community Questions site, or you can use our feedback form if you'd like.

Is there any update on this? I agree that it would be very beneficial to be able to resize managed databases

Also in agreement that this would be a very useful option.

I have passed along your feedback to the appropriate team so they know there is further interest in these Managed Database options. You can keep an eye on Our Blog for updates about this and other products.

I agree that this is an essential feature to scale our services with Linode.

any update on this? Thanks.

@soemoe I do not see any updates in the Linode blog regarding this, but if there are any updates that will be the go-to place to look for updates.


I'm following up on this post to inform everyone that you can now upscale your existing database clusters. However, Clusters can’t be downscaled. For more information on how to scale your database cluster, you can review the following guide below:


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