Shell grabbing keystrokes in debian default?

Hi, new to linode just installed debian, apache2, firehol (why not), xemacs.

I find the shell is a little wierd. Most obviously, control-a does not move the cursor to the left edge but instead acts buggy.

Emacs is unusable because ctrl-s (to search) gets eaten by the shell and that makes it halt input!

Anyway I'd like to get ctrl-a working on command line and in emacs, and maybe others too.

Also perhaps related, when you run "firehol try" to test the firewall setup, the shell tries to execute line 1 which is text but it shouldn't be executed I think, so it causes a silly error message, and the "Keep the firewall?" message doesn't get displayed it seems.

firehol try

/tmp/.firehol-tmp-10809-11422-7997/ line 1: Starting: command not found

I'm new to debian but have used the same setup (teraterm ssh) with centos no problem on other sites.

FWIW teraterm which otherwise has been great, also has trouble with login. In particular it requires challenge/response to log in.


Matt R.

5 Replies

This sounds to me like you're logging in through Lish, instead of sshing in directly to your IP address.


Yup. I just figured it out too. For some reason teraterm would not let me log in as root. So I went in as my account username which brought up lish, and then logged in from there. So for some reason lish makes it very hard to use emacs. However I am using the same IP address in both cases.

Anyway I just used putty and got in as root, using challenge-response, and ctrl-a and ctrl-s work correctly.

That was wierd. Any idea why?

Lish connects you to the screen session your UML runs in. Control-A is the "command" character for screen. Check it: Log into Lish, then type: Control-A followed by a "d" (without control). It takes you to Lish's command prompt. Type help there to get a menu. It's good stuff.

Also, it's one or the other. Either you're accessing the host to connect to Lish, or you're connecting directly to your Linode's sshd through its IP address…


When you access the lish shell you're talking to the linode management interface, and not to your own linode. This "lish" interface allows you to access the console of your linode and do other things (like force a hard reboot). Because you're talking to the management interface you need to login as the account username/password setup to manage linode.

Under normal circumstances you should not normally need to do this.

Because of how the management interface works, control-a, control-s, control-q and a few other characters may be "stolen".

Normally you want to log into your own linode instance.

What you did with putty was log into your linode, and that's why it worked.

Ah, of course I had forgotten I was under screen.

Also wondered why challenge-response is required, and ordinary login is not accepted, but it is not a big deal.




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