How do I change the DNS server for my Nanode or use unbound for DNS resolution?

Hi everyone,
I just signed up for Linode today and started with a nanode server with Ubuntu 22.04. I would like to use another DNS "service", e.g. Quad9 or the unbound DNS resolver.

Is that possible and if yes, how do I do that? In the portal I have only found how to change the RDNS link, but I have not worked with that one before.

Thanks for some guidance!

1 Reply

There isn't a way a to configure a DNS service in Cloud Manager for a Linode, but I'll share some resources on how to configure a DNS service internally for a Linode.

Please note that you may have to disable Network Helper on your Linode if you plan on editing the /etc/resolv.conf, otherwise Network Helper will overwrite any changes you make to that file.

We have a guide in our Introduction to DNS and User Privacy documentation that shows you how to add a DNS service such as Bind 9, or Quad9 internally to your Linode.

If you plan on using Unbound, then this guide will show you how to add the DNS service to your Ubuntu instance.


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