Why aren't raw images supported

I use FreeBSD and would like to store both Official Installation Images and Golden Installs but Linode refuses to make images of either the Installation USB image or of the initial install saying that raw images are unsupported.

Is there a reason why raw images can't be supported?

Thank you

2 Replies

@grgrant Linode does support uploads of raw disk image files. They need to have been compressed using gzip before uploading, and the maximum compressed file size for uploading an image is 5 GB.

Feel free to open up a ticket in Cloud Manager and we'll be happy to take a look at things on our end.

Thanks for that info. I have successfully uploaded a few images for provisioning a system.

What I wish -- that a number of other hosting providers support -- is for the ability to take an image of an existing system that can be used in the future for creating clones or recreating the system. I think that is supported for anyone using a ext filesystem but not raw images like needed for FreeBSD.


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