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How do i link my linode server to pterodactyl

Hey, i was just wondering how I link up my linode to pterodactyl? Any youtube videos would be great!

2 Replies

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What do you mean by link up? pterodactyl is not a server it's software that gets installed on a server. If that's what you're trying to do pterodactyl has a discord but to get support for pterodactyl they only recommend following the official documentation for installation, they will not help with any 3rd party installers/scripts. You can find the documentation here:


If you click "Get Help" near the top right of the page that will link you to their Discord. They are not part of Linode so it's unlikely Linode staff will help with this. Your best bet is to follow the docs and ask the pterodactyl discord for help with pterodactyl as mentioned.

To get started you will Need the following:

  • A FQDN: (Fully Qualified Domain name) Highly Recommended to pickup a domain name from "Name Cheap" https://namecheap.com/ for $1.00 USD plus your local taxes and forward it too the default Linode name servers.

  • A dedicated server (High Recommend the 16GB or 32GB Dedicated Server) if it's in your budget With a Supported version of Linux.

  • Point your FQDN to your Linode IP under the following Options on the left:

Domains>YourDomainname.example> Change/Add the following A/AAAA records: "Your Server's IP" > Hostname is the @ and the Linode Server IP if your "pterodactyl" Server.

Again you'll Added another A/AAAA record but this time you'll be adding what's called a Sub-domain IE: panel.myserverhosting.example as an example of what a sub-domain is. the "panel" is your sub-domain. You will need to enter that full domain you have created for your Linode Dedicated Server and add that as the "Host". Examples shown below with my panel Domain Setup.

https://imgur.com/a/fb94Gjw Here is what it should look like in the Cloud.Linode.com Cloud Panel.

Some common questions I hear about pterodactyl Panel:

  • Why should I use a domain name with SSL/Lets Encrypt ?.

Because SSL is a Secure and safer way to access your Server panel it keeps your information safe and secure compared to using just an IP address.

  • Where can I find Pterodactyl's Eggs for hosting servers ?.

You can find them here: https://github.com/parkervcp/eggs

How do I install Pterodactyl Panel ?:

Watch this video and use this install script:


Install Script: > bash <(curl -s https://pterodactyl-installer.se)

YouTube Tutorial: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=E8UJhyUFoHM

https://imgur.com/a/fb94Gjw Here is what it should look like in the Cloud.Linode.com Cloud Panel.

also Linode has 24/7 Support but are very limited in terms of what they can help you with in terms of stuff like this. However you can ask them to help guide you with setting up your domain name on linode.com.


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