What service can I use to host an iWeb site?

Hi there,

I had an idea to try to host an Apple iWeb website but I am having trouble figuring out how to host it, and on which service I can do so. iWeb lets me upload my site as a folder/zip, or via FTP.

Any ideas?

Thank you and have a great day!

2 Replies


iWeb was discontinued in 2012 and was designed to be used on Apples's Mobile Me service which morphed into iCloud.

I never used it but as I understood it, iWeb was a just a HTML creation tool which output code that could run on Apache or IIS. Have you tried it either locally or on one of your domains hosted on Linode?

It was developed to compete with M$ Frontpage but was never very popular and Apple pulled the plug after only a few years of development.

You must have a lot of time on your hands to mess with dinosaur-software products!! :-)

iWeb was discontinued in 2012 and was designed to be used on Apples's Mobile Me service which morphed into iCloud.

To add to that, iWeb sites referenced a lot of URLs for images/decorations, navigations and whatnot. These URLs were all to Apple servers that are long gone. While you may get your iWeb site to display something, it's not going to look very good or be very useful.

-- sw


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