How do i access rust server batch file

Hi, I just create a new Linode for rust. It's all good but how do I access the files so that I can add some mods on the server. Please help :)

1 Reply

Hey @Manav008. I'm not an expert on creating Rust servers, though I've been messing around with our Rust One-Click App. If you created your Rust server using our One-Click App then you can access your Rust files by logging into your Linode as root. You can do this by signing into Cloud Manager and on the Linode that you created, you will find an IPv4 address that you can use to SSH as root.

In your terminal of choice, SSH into your Rust server by entering the following command:

ssh root@IP-HERE

If you didn't add an SSH key, then you will be asked to enter your root password. You created this password when you made the Linode. I've provided a guide on how to reset your Root Password below if you forgot it.

You can also use the LISH console to log in as root if you do not want to use your own terminal.

Once logged into your Linode as Root, you can find your Rust files in /home.

cd /home

then to view all the files in the /home directory:

ls -la

I recommend creating a user with Sudo access as messing with files as Root could be destructive.

Once you're ready to add mods to your server; one of the options available is Harmony, and it's already preinstalled in your Rust Linode Server. If you're planning on using Harmony, you can locate the folder in:


If you don't want to use Harmony, another option available for you to use is uMod(Formally known as Oxide). However, I'm unsure if the One-Click app includes uMod/Oxide with the server. Just in case, I found their Github, which you can use to download Oxide using wget manually. (Make sure you download the Linux zip)


Once that is finished downloading, you should have a zip named "" You can unzip this by using the unzip command.


I found a guide that might be able to assist you with installing Oxide manually on your Linode.

Let us know if this worked for you or if you found an alternative solution, we'd love to know what worked.


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