Install GUi

How do I install a gui on ubuntu. I have tried using tasksel but i cant get gui to run through lish or glish? Do I need to connect a different way to see it?

1 Reply

Typically, you need an X server on your local machine to view the Ubuntu GUI. While those are not hard to come by, getting your Linode to talk to a machine with an IP address that's part of an ISP-private DHCP pool is extremely problematic. The situation is even more problematic if your machine is behind a private router.

GUIs are generally pretty worthless in an environment like Linode…where your VPS is likely in a different city/state/country from where you are…because of the network latency involved (every click, key press/release, pointer movement, window open/close/expansion/iconify/movement/resize etc causes multiple roundtrip messages between the client/server…rinse, wash, repeat per client). They're so slow as to make them damn near unusable.

-- sw


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