502 Bad Gateway

Hello, I am facing this issue on my website. Can anyone tell me how to fix this? Also, I cant access FTP. Any help would be appreciated. https://www.sherriel.com/

6 Replies

A 502 Bad Gateway error usually suggests a service that the web server needs but cannot connect to or find. There are plenty of other posts on our Community Questions site about this error. This one links to others that provide context to understand what is happening and to steps you can take to fix this:

502 Bad Gateway

How can i connect to ftp?

How can i connect to ftp?

Did you set up ftp? It's typically not a given because it's insecure. Have you tried sftp?

-- sw

Sorry i meant sftp not ftp. How can i access that?

@sherriel You can use a third-party application like FileZilla. The following Community Questions post has some helpful tips.

How do I set up my Linode for SFTP?

Hope this helps!

i already followed documentation but i still cannot connect


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