Why can't I login to my account is it suspended and why?

I can't login hence am using correct information

1 Reply

Account-related issues like this are best handled in a ticket with Support - a community forum will not be able to assist with account-related issues.

You can contact Support via email at support@lnode.com or by phone at 855-4-LINODE (855-454-6633), or Intl.: +1 609-380-7100.

You can verify if the email address that you're checking in the inbox for the email from us is where you should be looking by using our Forgot Username form. Here you'll add an email address and if there's a username that has that email address connected to it, we'll send you an email confirming that with the username listed. You can use this form for multiple email addresses and check each one to see if the email is correct.

If you're still unable to locate the correct username and/or email connected to it and are unable to reset the password, then you'll need to reach out to Support. When you do reach out, we'll need to authenticate you. To speed up this, please make sure you have this information ready to provide, either over the phone or included in your email:

  • If you pay your account using a credit or debit card, please provide us with the last 6 digits of the payment card as well as an additional piece of information about the account such as a username, name, or the email address that we have on file.
  • If you use Google Pay or PayPal for recurring payments, please call us to authenticate.

Alternatively, if you have an email from us such as an invoice you can authenticate by replying to it from the email address on file with your account.


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