Point a new GoDaddy domain to a linode volume's fixed IP

I can't find the doc for a very common need for users of Linodes.

I have a volume created in my linodes account for hosting a domain. It has a fixed ip. I've just purchased a domain via GoDaddy. I know how to DNS forward in GoDaddy to send traffic to the DNS servers of another hosting company.

But what are the steps with sending it to my linodes volume?

Is it enough to do it in this pattern?
While pointing to 2 of the DNS RESOLVERS such as and ?

And then --

IPv4 – Public 13x.1xx.1xx.1 mynewdomain.com

4 Replies

From GoDaddy, you'll point the domain's nameservers to Linode's:

  • ns1.linode.com
  • ns2.linode.com
  • ns3.linode.com
  • ns4.linode.com
  • ns5.linode.com

From there, you'll need to set an A/AAAA record in the DNS Manager. Our guides cover various DNS record types - what they are and how to set them up.

Would it not be better to leave the domains with GoDaddy and just set up the DNS (A) records there?

What is the advantage of doing the DNS at the server level and not the registry level?

What the OP is proposing is exactly what I do. My domain is registered at GoDaddy but my DNS zone is defined at Linode.

Would it not be better to leave the domains with GoDaddy and just set up the DNS (A) records there?

I prefer my registrar to just be a registrar. That way I can move my domain to a different registrar without disturbing my DNS zone…and I can move my zone without changing the registrar. If the registrar and the zone host were the same, I would not have this flexibility.

To that end…

What is the advantage of doing the DNS at the server level and not the registry level?

There's a certain amount of performance to be gained in having the zone "closer" to the "implementation" of the zone.

From a security perspective, my Linode only speaks and listens to Linode DNS servers. This is much easier to enforce in my firewall since Linode only has 10 IP addresses that represent DNS servers…and they don't change. GoDaddy has hundreds…and they change all the time and are often intermixed with servers that provide other GoDaddy services (AFAIK, Linode's DNS servers do not do anything else).

The one advantage that GoDaddy has over Linode is DNSSEC (although, like everything at GoDaddy) it ain't free or cheap.

-- sw

There's a certain amount of performance to be gained in having the zone "closer" to the "implementation" of the zone.

I didn't know that.


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