FileZilla intructions fail for SFTP

I have connected to hundreds of ftp servers using filezilla and other ftp clients

Using linode docs instructions fail no matter how many variations I try based on years of experience with the wide range of ftp servers.

I use sftp-ssh protocol.
put in the direct fixed IP address of my volume. Use the same NAME used for ssh login.
Set port to 22
put in the same password I use for Glish or SSH logging in.

RepeatedStatus: Access denied
Error: Authentication failed.
Error: Critical error: Could not connect to server

almost as bad with ssh log-ins
I must try with the same ssh key and login password and never get in right away
I get rejections over and over.
Maybe 6th time I get a ssh connection.

Same problems now after several years of linodes account and multiple volumes.

3 Replies

With the set of facts that you've given, I can only conclude that ssh on your Linode is not set up correctly.

I use ssh and sftp every day (although I don't use FileZilla). It works perfectly.

-- sw

The ssh set up must be working correctly because it EVENTUALLY works half the time.

First in ssh mode once given the Login name it prompts for password -- the same password I've used on a previous session USUALLY gets 3 successive fails.
I go through the ssh login again with another 3 login fails
usually another time of login and password fails.

then perhaps on the 4th or 5th session the same copied and pasted password instantly works.

I've been through the whole SSH key new or re-assign and new password registration 3 times in the past year.

Always afterwards multiple fails with maybe a success if I keep trying.

Despite using SFTP in FileZilla I rarely get success. If you have NOT USED a particular FTP/SFTP program it is immaterial that you never have a problem using ssh in a terminal.

What is the purpose of your response?

If you have NOT USED a particular FTP/SFTP program it is immaterial that you never have a problem using ssh in a terminal.

I don't use sftp from a terminal. The text editor I like uses it to edit remote files.

What is the purpose of your response?

To try to help you solve your problem…to suggest that you need to dig deeper to find the root cause.

Did you ever think that FileZilla has a problem dealing with current versions of ssh…or that your version of ssh needs an upgrade…or that FileZilla needs an upgrade…or that your FileZilla host platform needs an upgrade…or that your distro needs an upgrade/replacement?

Since FileZilla has a free server for Linux (Debian 10), maybe you should give it a try (you can build it from source on your Linode if you don't use Debian 10).

You ever look at /var/log/auth.log during/after one of these sessions? No doubt there's some nuggets of wisdom there…

-- sw


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