I'd like to add volume capacity of /dev/sda

It was successful to add the volume to /dev/sdc by following the guide in the linode.
However, when you upload to a web page, you only use the capacity of /dev/sda.
Is there a way to solve this problem or to combine the capacity of /sdc into /sda capacity?
I am a beginner. Please explain it simply

1 Reply

Is there a way to solve this problem or to combine the capacity of /sdc into /sda capacity?

What you're asking about is logical volume management (LVM)

There are several LVM schemes available for Linux but virtually all of them alter the file system in such a way such that standard Linode services (e.g. backups) will not work. None of them are easy to set up.

However, when you upload to a web page, you only use the capacity of /dev/sda.

LVM is a $5 solution to a 25 cent problem…

Why don’t you just configure your web server so that your web site (and whatever else you want) is in a directory on /dev/sdc? The canned web server configuration you’re probably using can be customized to fit your needs.

— sw


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